Adult Ministry

At CPC, we strive for grace, connection and calling in every aspect of our lives. Whether you have just graduated college or you have many years of wisdom, we are a church that longs for you to be known, embraced, and celebrated–no matter your season of life.

Bible Studies

Come To Women's Spring Study!

Come join the CPC Women's Ministry for a time of fellowship, study and discussion with gatherings available in both the morning and in the evening. Morning studies meet from 9:30-11:00 at The Commons, and evening studies meet from 7:00-8:30 at The Commons. Contact Allie Vining for more information at

Adult Ministries

Women's Ministry

Tuesdays | 9:30am and 7:00pm | The Commons

Our Women’s Ministry seeks to lead women into a personal and passionate relationship with Jesus Christ, embracing the truth that we are in deep need of His saving grace. We pursue this through numerous book and Bible studies, as well as discipleship groups.

Men's Ministry

Tuesdays 6:30am at Mike Duffy's | Tuesdays 5:30pm CPC Cellar

Our Men's Ministry desires to be used by God to offer relationships, Bible studies, life experiences, and service opportunities that the Holy Spirit might use to transform men’s lives, marriages and families. Men meet in the fall and spring for Bible study and in discipleship groups for fellowship and growth.

Mosaic - Young Adults

Mondays at 7:00pm | Tuesday Sports Night at 6:30pm | The Commons

Mosaic, CPC's young adult ministry, is dedicated to building community, growing spiritually, and serving others as we pursue God’s calling for our lives through Bible studies, fun events, service projects, and one-on-one meetings. 


The Joy Ministry exists to bring glory to God as every senior grows in grace, connects deeply in relationship, and serves others using their God-given gifts. Monthly events, day trips, small group Bible studies, and service opportunities are open to vibrant retirees of any ability. 

Friendship Ministry

Sundays at 9:00am | Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm

Friendship Ministry is a group of disabled and non-disabled adult friends from throughout the St. Louis area journeying through life together and sharing the love of Jesus all along the way!

Single Vision

Our Single Vision Ministry exists to build community and connection for single adults within the church. The group desires to grow deeply in relationship and encourage one another in their relationship with Christ. Regular lunches and outings are scheduled throughout the year. 

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